Define Object for Cell
game ={
board: [][] cell,
snakes: [] snake,
update: function(),
newGame: function(),
spawnFood: function(food),
where newGame returns a new game object with empty board and snake array
spawnFood returns a new food object with random x and y coordinates
update moves snakes, checks for collisions, spawns food, consumes food,
cell = { x: int, y: int, item: (snake, food, empty), }
cell can be empty, contain a snake, or contain food
snake = {
id: int,
body: [] cell,
direction: (up, down, left, right),
updateDirection: function(direction),
snake has an id, a body array of cells, and a direction
updateDirection changes the direction of the snake - can be any direction except the opposite of the current direction
food = {
x: int,
y: int,
lengthParam: int,
widthParam: int,
otherParam: any,